Sorry for the lack of blogging. Nothing substantial has happened in the last couple of weeks other than having to work and the possible answers arising as to why my health is how it is. If you're interested you can read more of that on my other blog which I created specifically to talk about my health.
And to make this post a bit more interesting, here are some lovely things I've found on H&M's and Wilkinson's websites.

This weekend has been good, despite me being ill. Well Friday and Saturday were good anyway! On Friday my friend Hannah came to stay overnight to help support our Bake Sale we held at my place of work in order to raise some more money and awareness as to why my other half is running 1000km for the National Eczema Society. We had every intention of making all of our goodies gluten and vegan free to entice more people but we were so rushed on Friday that we only managed to make a couple of things. It was a fantastic day anyway and we managed to raise a whopping £152.77!!!

Pictured: Me, Shane and Hannah
As you can see from the picture, it was torture for 3 cake fiends to be sat in front of a table full of yummy cakes for 6 hours and not being able to eat any of them. We did however take a trip to Bunty's tea rooms for a much needed cup of tea and slice of heaven (cake). Delicious irony.