I'm Jenny, 23 years old, currently residing in Lincoln. I'm originally from a little town in County Durham called Newton Aycliffe but have settled in Lincoln as I attended University here, subsequently meeting my boyfriend Shane who I now share a lovely home with!
I am somewhat obsessed with Victorian society and etiquette with a strict adoration for fashions of the time. I was definitely born in the wrong era... and social class! I love clutter and enjoy nothing more than to hoard clothes, home wares and crafty bits, but being a cheap & cheerful sort I refuse to pay a high price tag for anything. I am a magpie for stark yet decorative goodies with a penchant for cats, birds, florals, embellishment and silhouettes. I also enjoy heavy metal, reading, drinking tea and eating cake, grabbing a bargain, crafting, getting out and about and printed dresses.
This blog is where I like to post photographs of my personal style (when my health is good), crafts, reviews and general lifestyle malark. So follow me and I hope you like the things you see and read. :)
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