Sunday 9 September 2012

Red Birds Escape From My Wounds And Return As Falling Snow

Hellooo :)

So how are we liking my new layout? I adore it! XD

I've been very, very busy recently whilst also being rather ill :( and in fact even though I had a welcome back at work today I can envision a trip to the hospital tomorrow as I think I may have gotten a rather nasty skin infection. Bloody brilliant timing with my birthday on Wednesday and going to Huddersfield on Tuesday for drinks and larks. Ugh. Stupid body :(

But yes, the new layout is to compliment the style of my Etsy shop which will be opening in due course, as soon as I take some product photos :)

I also graduated on Wednesday just gone. It was a beautiful day and there was lovely architecture, tea & cake, and later pizza... what more could one want?

I've also been purchasing bits and pieces (more Primark attire ;) ) and also a khaki coloured dress which I can't seem to find online, nor have a decent picture of so you'll just have to go without :p

And I've been getting my craft on XD by making a cork board message board. It is by no means perfect but I do love how it turned out <3

What do you think of my purchases and DIY? :)


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